Chicken Breeds

Since I have 15 chickens there are many different types, most of the chickens are twins with another chicken like our Lavenders, Welsummers, and a few others. The two Lavender chickens are called ‘Lavender Orpingtons’ and they are small and quick and have a pretty grey colour of their feathers. They are very light and fluffy and friendly as well. They lay medium-sized light brown eggs, our other friendly chicken is a Brahma named Lady Gaga and she doesn’t have a twin anymore. She’s a golden-brown colour and she’s named Lady Gaga because of the fancy feathers on her legs. She is smaller than our rooster but larger than the other hens, her eggs are about the same as the Lavender’s but slightly bigger.

The chickens normally lay between 17-25 eggs a week, which is like way too many for our family, so we have eggs for a very long time. One of our chickens lays a blueish-green egg and the more grass she eats the greener they get.